Page name: Megatokyo Fans Unite [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-11-21 00:40:19
Last author: J Kale
Owner: Cloudwatcher
# of watchers: 15
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MegaTokyo Fans Unite@wiki

New page owner:[Cloudwatcher]

Ok! I am going to make this wiki page a little more professional looking ^_^ ..This wiki page will be deticated to all those who love megatokyo ^_^ the wonderful online comic by Fred Gallagher ... ^O^ there is now even a online store where you can buy megatokyo stuff <is proud owner of 'Ninj4" hoodie> 

Other additions to this wiki:

Megatokyo Fans Unite-Fanart - Go here to post your fan art!

1337 0/\/|_y - this is where you go to chit chat with people who speak l33t... ^^


Megatokyo Strip of the Week

A similar wiki..that i think is cool.. 3v1l l33t5 ul\l1t3!

1. must love megatokyo/or want to know more about it ^_^ "rude" language if you know what i mean

3. To join just post your name and a small statement on why you love megatokyo ^^

Megatokyo Fans Unite

Please! to get this wiki page known, Post this banner in your house with a link to this page ^_^ thaknx!

Member list

1.)[Vynnie] megatokyo rocks. oh yeah ^^

2.)[RoninX] Largo is the L337 Chosen 1

3.)[Cloudwatcher] megatokyo rocks

4.)[D34D_L33T] Ph34|2 m`/ n4m3

5.)this member was banned


7)[Pnelma Tirian]

8) [Sarenyth_Elwood] Woot for Junpei the L33T N1nj4!!!

9) [Falx] ph34r m4 b33r! Megatokyo Poll <poll:20103>

10) [angrybuddhas.] ph34r m41 m4d l337 sp34k sk1lls!!!

11) [patient love.] blame [Kememmótar] for my addiction to

12) [Y.T.].. It's good stuff, imported some of the gear, well kewl

13)[and i was a kaleidoscope]

14)[Diro the Snicker] C4u53 1 h4\/3 l337 ]\[4|<|<1d 5k177z.. 4nd I 4]\/[ 4 l07 l1k3 Piro ^^ (For those non-l337-ish) Cause of my awsome leet naked skills and cause I am much like Piro in real life.

]( starry_eyes )- Megatokyo is great because the characters are so cool with interesting personalities. (and sorry it's not a link right there, it doesn't seem to be working...)

16) [Sana] - MEGATOKYO RULES!! I love Piro and Largo! they kick ass!

17) [Nyki] - Miho = <3. So does Boo. He squeeks in 1337!

18) [Kememmótar] |/\|311, i7 15 |\/|3g4 70y0.

19) [Cathos] Darkly Cute

20) [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx] ! 4m +h3 l33t 1! Ph33r m3! hahaha! (just jokin...) the Comic Rulz!
21) [Shadow_seraphim] B3c4us3 it is m4d L33t!!!

22) [ta 'hca with zi 'sta] So awsome in all its Awsomeness!!!

23) [Broken Dreams]

24) [Paz] Found it by accident on the internet and loved it!

25) [Cliché] W00t! Go Largo! T3h 3v1l, 1t'5 t00 much...

26) [Blacktiger55] very kool, when i was introduced i feel in love right away!

27) [spongemonkey] why I love megatokyo? BOO THE L337 RODENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOot!!!

28) [Reicheru] "He says he needs money." "What? Again!?!" ^.^ Dom and Ed are my favorite characters!!

29) [Line Viper] Ping is my favorite, but then there's the turtle with the giant booze bottle

30) [blackwitch] Go GREAT LARGO!!!!!BEER RULES!!!!Ups.......I whanted to say that in my mind ^_^' hehehehe...........

31) [J Kale] MT 15 73h m4d L337 :D

Username (or number or email):


2004-09-02 [Cloudwatcher]: i have a banner we could use for this wiki..^_^

2004-09-02 [Cloudwatcher]: I have a banner we could use for this wiki....<img:>

2004-09-02 [Cloudwatcher]: ^O^

2004-09-02 [D34D_L33T]: love megatokyo

2004-09-02 [Cloudwatcher]: me 2..

2004-09-02 [diarh34]: 1337n355 ! w45 w0n|)312!ng !|= 7h123 1!3k \/\/4z 4 /\/\3g470ky0 \/\/!|<!

2004-09-02 [D34D_L33T]: 17 15

2004-09-02 [Cloudwatcher]: sure

2004-09-02 [diarh34]: Check out futon lovers @wiki

2004-09-03 [Sammiface]: ooh! ooh! pick me.. a true, die hard megatokyo fan. ...why didnt I ever think of creating this...

2004-09-03 [diarh34]: lol sammi

2004-09-03 [Vynnie]: woooah! Dude! I forgot I even created this wiki... wow people joined! whee! yay! cool! awesome! people joined my wikiiiiii! -feels happy and loved-

2004-09-03 [Cloudwatcher]: ^_^ [Vynnie] has given me permision to take over this wiki..(cuz i asked her) ^O^

2004-09-04 [diarh34]: no one cares

2004-09-05 [Cloudwatcher]: thats ok.

2004-09-05 [diarh34]: good thing

2004-09-05 [Cloudwatcher]: but how can you say that for everone though..its not like you took a vote ^__^

2004-09-05 [diarh34]: oh but I did.....and for the fact that no one has said here

2004-09-06 [Cloudwatcher]: that dosent mean they dont care. they dont go changing things in other peoples wiki. do it agian. and i will report you.

2004-09-06 [diarh34]: Who are you talking to?

2004-09-06 [diarh34]: Notics the "Latest author:" tab....USE IT

2004-09-06 [Cloudwatcher]: i wasnt talking to you..sorry[diarh34] i didnt make myself clear. [your_mother] i am going to report you. you have messes with 2 of my wiki pages with no reason. i am putting passwords on the pages so you cannot change anything.

2004-09-06 [diarh34]: Who took me off the list?

2004-09-10 [diarh34]: So now your talking about my mom? jk jk

2004-09-11 [Cloudwatcher]: lol yea i didnt choose the name. :)

2004-09-11 [diarh34]: ^.-

2004-09-11 [Cloudwatcher]: ....O_O.... i like pie..

2004-09-11 [diarh34]: damnit...thats what I say

2004-09-12 [D34D_L33T]: sw33t

2004-09-12 [Cloudwatcher]: lol

2004-09-12 [Falx]: Sweet Zombie Jeebus on a pogo-stick! It's another one! 1337 |20><0|2z! Ok. Everyone here should go take my Megatokyo poll if they haven't already.

2004-09-12 [Falx]: Oh, just in case anyone is interested, Fred Gallagher will most likely be having a panel or two at Katsucon in Crystal City, VA this February.

2004-09-20 [Diro the Snicker]: Can someone take pictures and post..??.. Pl34s3!! 1 b36 f0r p1<5!!! Oh well.. Glad to have found this wiki.. I love Megatokyo.. and funniest thing.. if you ever saw me and my cuz.. We are in fact Piro and Largo.. In a metaphorical way. of course.. it's not like he has a rent-a-zilla on his backyard and destroys ever bar with evil vibes.. but oh well.. speaking too much.. Glad to have joined..^^

2004-09-20 [Cloudwatcher]: what do you mean by pictures and post?

2004-09-20 [Diro the Snicker]: Oh.. Let me rephrase.. take pictures of the panels or whatnot and post them here..x_x

2004-09-20 [Falx]: Look. I'm going to Katsu. Probably as Piroko again. I'll be glad to take and send pickies!

2004-09-20 [Diro the Snicker]: YES! PLease! PL3453!!!!! Th4t'd b3 gr34t =D

2004-09-20 [Falx]: Bleek! ok. Kristen already said I could post my pics of me as Piroko on teh Fanart Page.

2004-09-20 [Falx]: Hrm. I need to make a "fan appreciation bat" for him...

2004-09-20 [Diro the Snicker]: bat?..o.o;.. baseball bat?...*gulp*

2004-09-21 [Falx]: yes m'am

2004-09-21 [Diro the Snicker]: ..I'm a sir! x_x

2004-09-21 [Cloudwatcher]: ^_^ sure posting pics like that would be awsome! do you think i should create even a sepereate wiki page for it?? cus its not fan art?

2004-09-21 [Diro the Snicker]: Yeah.. Umm.. That'd be cool.. like umm.. MT at Katsu@Wiki or.. something..x_x

2004-09-21 [Diro the Snicker]: I wish I lived closer, so I could go..x_x.. but that aint happening..=(

2004-09-21 [Cloudwatcher]: lol i just found the coolest wiki ! 3v1l l33t5 ul\l1t3! just for anyone interested! and they have a cool

2004-09-21 [Diro the Snicker]: That rocks! Thanks Kristen! l337 /\/\4573r

2004-09-21 [Cloudwatcher]: ^o^ i am going to get the shirt that says "3vil l33t" on it one of these days..i cant wait..

2004-09-21 [Diro the Snicker]: I want the one that says "Tortured Artist" And the "Coffee +1" mug.. I just love those things! ><

2004-09-21 [Cloudwatcher]: lol i want the l33t |\|a|<|<i|> 5killz shirt to/

2004-09-21 [diarh34]: I have the I pwn j00 f00 shirt ^^

2004-09-22 [Falx]: I have the "ph34r t3h cut3 on3s" shirt.

2004-09-22 [Cloudwatcher]: ^_^ i have the "ninj4 hoodie already ubt i really want the t-shirt...^o^

2004-09-22 [Diro the Snicker]: I feel.. so un-l337.. I n33d s0m37|-|i/\/6!!!

2004-09-22 [D34D_L33T]: he i got a baseball cap where it says D43D_L33T it owns and on my bag i got a marker where it says Evil Inside (insted of Intel inside)

2004-09-22 [Diro the Snicker]: ....x_x

2004-09-22 [Cloudwatcher]: ^_^ 3y3 |>o|\|7 |<|\|o\/\/ \/\/|-|47 70 54'/ |\|0\/\/!!! O_o

2004-09-23 [Cloudwatcher]: omg!! i got the best idea!!! ^_^ <is proud> I am going to create a " Strip of the week" ^_^ i will choose a strip not to relivent to the story if you havent read them all and i will post it on another page ^_^ like one thats really funny or somthing...oh i dont care what you all say i am going to do it any way ^_^

2004-09-23 [Cloudwatcher]: i will also take suggestions for the strip..i have already choosen the first though...^_^ and i will have a "previous strips of the week" or somthing also...O_O sound ok?

2004-09-23 [Falx]: cool. Will you take strips that deal with MT but are from other web comics? There's a really great one from MacHall.

2004-09-23 [Cloudwatcher]: sure that will work to ^_^

2004-09-23 [Cloudwatcher]: ^_^ new!! MegaTokyo Strip of the Week!!!

2004-09-23 [Cloudwatcher]: PLEASE GOOOOO!!!!!!

2004-09-23 [Falx]: Have done so. And sent you a little something to boot.

2004-09-23 [Cloudwatcher]: ^_^ i see...i see....

2004-09-24 [Cloudwatcher]: i am sorry alkl i dnt know whats up with the link thing not working..i will report it and ask wahts going on ^_^

2004-09-27 [diarh34]: well...aren't you just a super duper wiki manager

2004-09-27 [Diro the Snicker]: ..Super duper l337 wiki manager!

2004-09-27 [diarh34]: anyways

2004-09-27 [Cloudwatcher]: ^^;

2004-09-27 [ninje]: l337n3$$

2004-09-27 [ninje]: wuts with the ps2 hookup thing?

2004-09-27 [diarh34]: what are you talking about.....

2004-09-27 [Cloudwatcher]: O.o i dont know....

2004-09-27 [Diro the Snicker]:

2004-09-27 [Cloudwatcher]: join YE the CoNfUzZeLd Club if you are confussed right i just made it ^^ god i am a geek..i like making wiki's..

2004-09-27 [Falx]: I think Shamoo wants to know what's up with Ping...

2004-09-27 [Cloudwatcher]: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

2004-09-27 [Falx]: Behold, my powers of extrapolation!

2004-09-28 [Cloudwatcher]: <Gasp> some megatokyo fans we are! <hides>

2004-09-28 [Cloudwatcher]: ^o^ new strip up! everyone go look!!!!! tis a good one!

2004-09-29 [D34D_L33T]: ok

2004-10-02 [ninje]: ping is wierd nd so is the dudes "cool thing"

2004-10-02 [Diro the Snicker]: I found a cool thing! =D.. It really is cool..;)

2004-10-03 [Cloudwatcher]: i love the cool thing!!! i want one! ^^

2004-10-03 [Falx]: Me too!

2004-10-04 [Cloudwatcher]: :D

2004-10-04 [Diro the Snicker]: The cool thing has many cool uses..=D

2004-10-04 [ninje]: so small so fun

2004-10-04 [Diro the Snicker]: Small and ub3r s3cks4'/ =D

2004-10-04 [D34D_L33T]: 17 15 ü83|2 900|) ´/00 (4/\/ |)0 411 50|275 0|= 1337 57|_||=|= vv17|-| 17

2004-10-04 [Diro the Snicker]: '/35 '/0|_| (4/\/ d^_^b

2004-10-04 [diarh34]: You do know that being leet has more to it then just typing a bunch of letters,numbers and symbols,right

2004-10-05 [Diro the Snicker]: Enlighten us, oh so mighty l33t one..

2004-10-05 [ninje]: yes please

2004-10-05 [Cloudwatcher]: its hacker talk!! ^^..or somthing like it...^^

2004-10-05 [diarh34]: Being a "hacker" has nothing to do with how you talk....

2004-10-05 [Cloudwatcher]: this is true..but its still used.

2004-10-05 [diarh34]: Actully most of the people that use it these days are only script kiddies that wish they were "hackers"

2004-10-05 [Cloudwatcher]: i dont wanna be a hacker..i just think its cool..^^ cuz of megatokyo :p

2004-10-05 [diarh34]: Understandable,but if you call yourself "leet" thats lame (not saying this to you,but everyone) not even people that truly are say it.

2004-10-05 [Cloudwatcher]: =D you could at least type it right!! its never leet..its ALWAYS l33t.. ^^

2004-10-05 [diarh34]: ohnoes,don't call the thirteen thirty seven police on me almighty wiki master.......there no set way to spell it,most "leet" is typos anyways,which has nothing to do with this...

2004-10-05 [Cloudwatcher]: :p you mock me!

2004-10-05 [Falx]: Besides, there are no such things as 1337 hackers. But there are 1337 |-|4><><0|2z.

2004-10-05 [diarh34]: wow.......

2004-10-05 [Cloudwatcher]: this is true..but you still mocked me!!

2004-10-05 [Falx]: I did? Wha?When?

2004-10-05 [Cloudwatcher]: oh nm not you...diarh34 did..

2004-10-05 [Diro the Snicker]: Does anyone of you know how to make a HTML table aligned to the left with icons and an image around it?...oO;

2004-10-05 [diarh34]: Yeah I mocked you.

2004-10-05 [Diro the Snicker]: So you mocked. so what.. everyone does.. now.. can someone answer my question?

2004-10-05 [diarh34]:'s your bestfreind....

2004-10-05 [Diro the Snicker]: ..Elaborate please

2004-10-05 [diarh34]: Just Fucking Google It

2004-10-05 [Diro the Snicker]: Great... Thanks for the help.. really appretiate it..

2004-10-05 [diarh34]: You should,it's some of the best information a person can give/get.

2004-10-05 [Diro the Snicker]: Really doubtful of that fact..

2004-10-05 [diarh34]: Then your not human

2004-10-05 [Diro the Snicker]: Then Human I am not..

2004-10-05 [D34D_L33T]: try this page (the first thing i got up on google^^)

2004-10-05 [diarh34]: HA!

2004-10-05 [Diro the Snicker]: I've been there.. bleh.. I'll figure it out.. thanks anyways...¬_¬;

2004-10-05 [Cloudwatcher]: ....all mock [diarh34]!!!!!!!! cuz hes a meany! lol jk..well he is...but that sounds rather childish now dont you say?

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